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Insomnia - Humming Urban Stereo

Humming Urban Stereo{Insomnia}2007  小清新电子乐


{乐评写于2014.03.17 09:19}

Humming Urban Stereo来自韩国的一支乐队,小清新加萌版电音主唱,爵士音乐味道很浓的歌曲,熟悉又欢快紧凑的节奏.音乐和演唱都是轻柔的,没有任何的修饰和花俏的地方,简简单单.                      



Insomnia - Humming Urban Stereo

Taking a nap all day long

There's nobody disturbs me but I just can't feel free

There's no hope. There's no despair

only the anger remined into my heart

There's no chance and there's no clue

You're gone so fareway. I'm hiding myself from you

I hate myself who can't stop loving you

I feel so stupid because I'm stil in love with you

Fall over precipiate but there's no one can rescue me

My heart has broken two pieces I can't love you anymore

Fall over precipiate but there's no one can rescue me

My heart has broken two pieces I can't love you anymore



It's hard for me to go on my life without you

I'm suffering from insomnia

I'm dying day and day. day and day,day and day

Taking a nap all day long

There's nobody disturbs me but I just can't feel free

There's no hope. There's no despair

only the anger remined into my heart

There's no chance and there's no clue

You're gone so fareway. I'm hiding myself from you

I hate myself who can't stop loving you

I feel so stupid because I'm stil in love with you

Fall over precipiate but there's no one can rescue me

My heart has broken two pieces I can't love you anymore

Fall over precipiate but there's no one can rescue me

My heart has broken two pieces I can't love you anymore



It's hard for me to go on my life without you

I'm suffering from insomnia

I'm dying day and day. day and day,day and day

day and day......


Humming Urban Stereo是韩国地下DJ兼制作人Jeereen所创立的电子乐团,也有日本留学的洪志勋和音乐新人Rusaito.在05年发行了'Very Very Nice And Short Cake'的双CD专辑,里面收录了来自Jeereen精心创作的18首歌,曲曲都动听万分.韩国的乐评形容Jeereen的音乐是『日常生活里的不平凡』,那是因为24岁的Jeereen从音乐、电影、文学…甚至是一些日常生活里可能被我们所忽略的小细节里寻找他创作音乐的灵感。他的歌名里有些是电影的名称,也有的是来自某位日本诗人的诗.

在Jeereen的编曲制作下,Humming Urban Stereo的音乐带著有些涩谷系电音的绮丽和轻盈.不加入太多复杂的音乐元素,取而代之的是简单轻快的拍子和柔滑的旋律,塑造了属于他们独特清新的乐风.Humming Urban Stereo的专辑里囊括了bossa nova,acid jazz, lounge 和house的多种曲风.

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