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I Am Me Once More - Zee Avi

Zee Avi{I Am Me Once More}2009

专辑:Zee Avi(同名专辑)

以拿手的吉他、夏威夷四弦琴(Ukulele),搭配上独特慵懒舒服的嗓音,打造自成一格的音乐氛围,Zee Avi一手包办专辑所有词曲创作。听著Zee Avi的歌声,如同躺在沙滩上迎著微风拂面、阳光暖暖包围,似乎什麼事都变得不重要.

I really don’t think so
that you’d think I’d be incapable
of being on my own

I really don’t think so
that I would for a second let you
back in through my door

I have spent
many a-nights even when
you were by my side
I shed tears I couldn’t dry
I shed tears I couldn’t dry
But I should thank you for
taking my blindfold off
now I ain’t jaded no more, no more
And I take pride
in bein’ the one that said goodbye
that could only mean
I am me, once more

You would turn
your head the other way
so you wont have to listen
to what I had to say
You assumed
that I needed you
but you didnt realize that
I needed no one but myself
I needed no one but myself
But I should thank you for
taking my blindfold off
now I ain’t jaded no more, no more
And I take pride
in bein’ the one that said goodbye
That could only mean I am me, once more
That could only mean I am me, once more
That could only mean I am me, once more


季小薇出生在马来西亚砂拉越美里省的一个小镇上。在南海附近长大,她父亲在那儿拥有有一家能源咨询公司,自由而备受鼓励的成长。“我长大当律师,”她说,但音乐已经融入了她的血液中。她的祖父过去乐队的乐手。十二岁时季小薇离开了婆罗洲来到吉隆坡。17岁时,他经常把自己锁在房间学弹吉他,一弹就是几小时。由于去伦敦学时装设计的缘故,吉他学习搁浅了四年。重新回到吉隆坡时,季小薇重新拾起乐器,并开始创作音乐,还随乐队演出。22岁生日前,季小薇将自己创作片段上传到YouTube,原本只是让好友观赏后就要删除,没想到却收到路过网友们滚雪球般的热情回应,从20笔一下子跳到3000笔,其中一笔来自白线条乐团(The White Stripes)经纪人Ian Montone,在他的穿针引荐下,Zee Avi成为杰克强森自创音乐厂牌Brushfire Records旗下唯一的创作才女。并于2009年推出了同名专辑。

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