阳光普照的午后,简单的生活,心情美好的一天.Detektivbyrån{Sista Tryckaren}.

Bicycle Tricycle - Rosie Thomas

Rosie Thomas{Bicycle Tricycle}2002 民谣小清新


{Bicycle Tricycle}是Rosie Thomas的一首有民谣风格的小清新作品,充满回忆的感伤、归乡游子情怀的慢板歌曲,静谧、纯洁的演唱方式,优美的钢琴清新的吉他柔和的提琴,静心地倾听,你会发现歌曲能带给你岁月的那份安静,歌曲最特别之处是在3分56秒后会有一段纯钢琴的演奏和人声的对话,非常温馨.

Rosie Thomas来自美国西雅图,她的作品,丝毫不让人感受到烦恼,因为一样是温柔美丽的旋律、悠扬流畅的歌声,她营造出的氛围却极为独特,她善於融合两种不同的极端,她的音乐还流露著对生命深切的感性与关怀,包括童年、梦想、爱、希望,都以极其诗意的方式,在清淡词句中呈现深刻感.


Bicycle tricycle take me far
With my hands on your handlebars
I can't be homecoming queen
For every boy That falls
In and out of love with me

I won't look back
Been here before
Been here before

I'll turn my back
Whatever it takes to let him go

Flower dress strawberry red
I must confess you're my safety pin
Hold me together hide me well
So he cannot tell the state
That I am in

I won't look back
Been here before
Been here before

I'll turn my back
Whatever it takes to let him go

Roller skates figure eights
Roll me away and I won't complain
I'll bring my raincoat boots and umbrella
So he can't ever rain
on my parade

I won't look back
Been here before
Been here before

I'll turn my back
Whatever it takes to let him go

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