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Even Together - The Pancakes

The Pancakes{Even Together }2002 小清新欢快歌曲

The pancakes是香港的INDIE BAND,只有一个成员DEJAY,这个乐团曾为酷儿做过广告歌.带来她的其中一首演唱作品{Even Together},无论歌词内容是什么,都有着一种小清新欢快的感觉,无论遇到什么烦恼事也要轻松地面对.


well we live in harmonyand

we go out together

sometimes i do feel lonely

even when we"re together

we are just sitting herepouring the milk shake

we pretend that it is beer

but we can"t pretend that we still love each other

when you"re in my bed

we sleep as if we"re strangers

when you"re in my bed

i wish we"re power rangers

feeling fine under the sky

you don"t soothe me when i cry

you don"t care when i"m dry

i"ve been shouting all the time

but i can"t hear your reply

my friends tell me you are dead

but i don"t believe

i can pretend to be deaf

but you can"t pretend you still love me as you did

if i talk to you

would you still believe in me

if i talk to you

would you still listen to me

if i talk to you

would you still react to me

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