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Truly - Lionel Richie

Lionel Richie{Truly}1982

选来Lionel Richie在80年代的作品{Truly},曾获1983年度的格莱美奖,这首歌在奢华的80年代,他的歌声丝毫没有一点夸张的华丽之气,款款深情的演唱一直是他对歌迷的真正礼物,而这首歌正是他的真.世间所有的话题都可能过时,唯有爱情是亘古不变的,不会因为时间与文化的不同而有所差异,不论你是年轻人、还是「老人家」,谁都无法抗拒爱的诉求.

Lionel Richie被认为是当今流行上的顶级歌手.他连续9年共有9首歌曲名列排行榜首,创造了流行音乐史上的一个奇迹.


作词:Cochrane, Richie

作曲:Lionel Richie

Girl, tell me only this
That I will have your heart for always
And you want me by your side
Whispering the words that I will always love you

And forever I will be your lover
And I know if you really care
I will always be there

Now I need to tell you this
There is no other love like your love
And I, as long as I live
I will give you all the joy
My heart and soul can give

Let me hold you
I need to have you near me
And I feel with you in my arms
This love will last forever

Because I'm truly
Truly in love with you girl
I'm truly head over heels with your love
I need you, and with your love I'm free
And truly, you know you are all, I really need.

代表作&推荐{say you say me}、{White Night}、{Three Times a Lady}、{Endless Love}.

热度 ( 35 )

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