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Colors - Amos Lee

Amos Lee{Colors}2005


一首淡然的民谣风格歌曲,《Colors》的旋律十分讨巧,即使你不懂得歌词也会被其悠扬的音符深深感染.不过,歌曲中Amos Lee运用了大量轻柔的假声,伴着吉他呈现出飘忽不定的状态,为听者勾勒出一段你侬我侬的昔日之情.虽然结局哀伤,但回忆却是美好的,散发着淡淡的感觉.


Yesterday I got lost in the circus,

feeling like such a mess.
And now I'm down,
I'm just hanging on the corner.
I can't help but reminisce.

Cuz when you're gone,
all the colours fade.
When you're gone,
no new years day parade. 
You're gone,
colours seem to fade.

Your mama called, she said,
that you're downstairs crying.
Feeling like such a mess.
Ya, I hear ya,
in the back ground balling. 
What happened to your sweet summer time dress.

I know we all,
we all got our faults we get
locked in our vaults,
and we stay..

When you're gone, 
all the colours fade. 
When you're gone,
no new years day parade.
You're gone,
colours seem to fade


Amos Lee 是来自美国的一位新灵魂乐的艺术家,唱腔融合 Jazz, Blues, Pop, R&B,民谣等风格.

Amos Lee 本身则擅长吉他乐器.但他的声音有一种很特别的质量,婉转醇厚,却不飘移不定。不靠强烈的节奏,不靠沧桑的呐喊,像始终对听者有著一种控制.他身上也有一种很独特的艺术家气质,潇洒,自负,低调,和那些商业歌手相比是不一样的调调.

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